Frequently Asked Questions
Can I place an order?
Of course! We'd be crazy to tell you no. To place an order, simply hit "Order Now" at the top of the website, and you'll find our availability. If you see that we're available on the date that you'd like, fill out our order form below that! Someone will reach out to you in 24 hours.
Are you available?
We usually book out 3-4 weeks ahead of time, so place your order early!
What is your lead time?
Also known as how much in advance do I need to place an order? Answer: At least two weeks! While two weeks is the bare minimum to avoid rush fees, we HIGHLY recommend you place your order as soon as possible! You'll have the best pick up time options and you're more likely to get the date you'd like.
Where are you located?
We are a home bakery located in Cheshire, MA 5 minutes from Rte. 8
Do you have a store front we can pick up our order from?
No, we brought our venture home in 2021 and run a home bakery. We renovated a room in our home into a bakery and I am happily baking sweet treats for happy people.
How much will my cake cost?
It depends! Because each creation we make is 100% custom, we'll need to know all of the details before we can give you an accurate quote. Starting prices are on our menu!